The Camera is a template class, that you can use in your own Java-project. Currently, the code is only tested with a Raspberry-Camera and the crowpi-image. You can take pictures or videos, with or without a preview.
To connect the camera, use this video. The video is mentioned on the official website. The camera class is using the bash-commands “libcamera-hello”, “libcamera-still” and “libcamera-vid”. To use them, set up the raspberry with the following Introduction
An example on how to use the Camera-Class from the Hardware-Catalog
Camera camera = new Camera();
System.out.println("Taking a default picture");
System.out.println("Taking a pic with different parameters");
var config = Camera.newPictureConfigBuilder()
System.out.println("Waiting for camera to take pic");
System.out.println("Taking a video for 3 seconds");
var vidconfig = Camera.newVidConfigBuilder()
The class is implemented in the sample project Photobooth.